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“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund

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The first Principle, The Law of Similars

by Gill Graham.  BSc (Hons), BA (Hons) RSHom, DHMHS

The derivation of the word ‘Homeopathy’ (originally homoeopathy) comes from the Greek homoeo, meaning 'similar', and pathos, meaning 'suffering’. This leads on to the first principle which is ‘Similia Similbus Curentur,’ translated from the Latin as: ‘like cures like.’ This principle predates Hahnemann and in fact, goes back to ancient ayurvedic scripts. The idea/concept of ‘the law of similars’ had first been mentioned by Hippocrates (The Father of Medicine, 460-377 B.C.), then by P.A. Paracelsus (1493-1541) although Hahnemann was responsible for creating ‘Homeopathy’ as we now know it; a complete system of medicine.

Through much research and hands on practice, Hahnemann proved that a substance that can cause disease in a healthy person, can actively heal the same or similar disease in another. For example, Belladonna, a well known homeopathic remedy is used to treat high fevers, redness in the face and tongue. Were belladonna to be ingested in its raw form, the symptoms of the poisoning would be exactly this. Also, think of what happens when you are exposed to a raw onion.  Your eyes water and nose burns.  The homeopathic remedy allium cepa (made from onion) can relieve these symptoms, once again, treating ‘like with like.’

The task of the homeopath is to match the patients’ symptoms to the correct homeopathic remedy, specifically those that are characteristic to the patient. This is explained in aphorism 26 in the Organon, where Hahnemann states: ‘In the living organism a weaker, dynamic affection is permanently extinguished by a stronger one which although different in nature nevertheless, greatly resembles it in its expression.’

The simillimum is just that, totality; not partial, but a complete reflection of a state that is mentally, physically and spiritually in alignment with its subject.

This article is part of a five part series and following sections will elaborate on more principles. The first part can be found here.

To find a homeopath or find out more about homeopathy the website here has lots of information to share.

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Clarification of the basic homeopathic principles including reference to worldwide practice.

by Gill Graham.  BSc (Hons), BA (Hons) RSHom, DHMHS

When considering whether to follow the homeopathic route in the treatment of our own health or that of our friends and families, there is invariably, much confusion as to what homeopathy is and how it differs from conventional medicine. For ease of understanding, the underlying principles will be clarified, as far as possible.

The Organon and Homeopathic Philosophy

The Organon of Medicine, written by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy is the cornerstone of homeopathic principles and practice. The first edition was written in 1810 in aphoristic style (paragraphs with numbers.) The book lays out the doctrines of homeopathy in a logical sequence of thoughts and philosophy and practice. In total there were 6 editions, five of which were published in Hahnemann’s lifetime, the 6th completed in 1842, but he sadly passed away in June of 1843 before it could be published.  Thanks to the efforts of William Boericke the 6th edition was published in 1921.

In order to fully embrace homeopathy, it is helpful to understand basic homeopathic philosophy. If you have been following my blogs here, you will already be aware that I repeatedly refer to the mind/body connection and how symptoms should be treated in their totality as opposed to being seen as separate problems.  The fundamental tenet of homeopathic medicine is to treat the imbalances of ‘the vital force’ leading to ill health as a whole, ideally with one remedy which matches the symptoms of the mind, body and spirit (this remedy is known as the Simillimum.) The Vital Force is an undefined energy, capable of fuelling an organism, it is inherent in all living things, which if disrupted or disturbed can result in disease. “The material organism without the vital force is capable of no sensation, no function, no self preservation; it derives all sensations, and performs all functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being (the vital force) which animates the material organism in health and disease.” (Aphorism 10, The Organon)

Hahnemann refers to it also as ‘dynamis’, ‘vital principle’ and ‘vital energy’. James Tyler Kent refers to it as ‘The Simple Substance,’ which is the dominating force in the organism, the absence of this force, is death.  To help with an understanding of this, energy parallels can be found in various cultures; the Ancient Chinese know The Vital Force as ‘Chi, the Japanese and Koreans as ‘Ki’ and in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India it is known as ‘Prana.’ Underlying this, there are 4 basic principles which govern homeopathy; each of which will be discussed in the following blog posts.

To find a homeopath or find out more about homeopathy have a look here.

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Hayfever - an ideal place for homeopathy?

It's that time of year again, the one that all the warmth lovers eagerly anticipate (or at least hopefully wish for) and those who suffer from hay fever retreat inside, counting down until the season is over. The dark rooms, closed windows, sunglasses to cope and countless days of irritable sneezing, sniffing or weeping eyes, or the over the counter meds to get through each day. Neither of which make for a particularly glamorous sounding summer. Or that enjoyable either.

But what can homeopathy do? Well, as well as ideally helping to strengthen your own healing ability longer term and perhaps reduce the chance of getting the hay fever, whilst you're in the thick of the season you can also treat the symptoms with remedies that may help.

Following is a round up of the most commonly used remedies in hay fever:

Allium Cepa

  • Strong burning sensation from the eyes accompanied by a bland watery discharge - better open air.

  • The eyes are sensitive to light, often red and irritated with burning and smarting. 

  • Nose can become red and sore from the copious, burning, acid discharge. 

  • Sneezing on entering warm room. The voice can be hoarse and there can be a hacking cough on breathing in cold air. 

  • Allium cepa hayfever often comes on worse in spring or August, is worse for being in a warm room and better off for cool air. A peculiarity is that it particularly affects the left eye or nostril or may start off on the left side and spread to the right. 


  •  Persistent and spasmodic sneezing, running nose, copious watery discharge and an itchy, stuffed up nose. 

  • The eyes water in the open air, from sunlight or whilst sneezing. 

  • Symptoms are also worse for cold air and there is usually improvement from eating warm food and warm drinks or from keeping warm. 


  •  Eyes water all the time with acrid watering (cf Allium Cepa)

  • Burning and swelling of the lids (especially the lower), blinking, conjunctivitis like symptoms.

  • The nasal and throat symptoms are less marked but include profuse watery bland mucus, which is easily discharged. Euphrasia symptoms are worse for sunlight, evening and night-time, for windy weather and indoors, and better for the cool, open air.

  • Euphrasia tincture can also be used as a local eyewash by diluting one drop in an eyebath of cooled sterile water. 


  •  Hayfever begins with burning and itching of the palate and conjunctiva.

  • Annoying itching of the roof of the mouth and in the nostrils sometimes with pain at the root of the nose.

  • Initially the nose can discharge clear mucus which can then turn green and slimy with lots of sneezing.

  • Loss of smell.


  • Intolerable itching felt on the roof of the mouth and behind the nose, sometimes extending into the throat and ears.

  • Irritable throat with dry cough.

  • Everything in the head feels dry and irritated, but the nose may still be runny.

(Information from www.materiamedica.org.uk)

Find out about how one sceptical vet discovered homeopathy and his experience with hay fever here:


To find a homeopath, or to find out more about homeopathy www.findahomeopath.org

Em Colley RSHom BSc(Hons) Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy



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A Perfect Balance- Homeopathic Homeostasis

As we have spent April celebrating Hahnemann’s Birthday, and in turn Worldwide Homeopathy Awareness Week, it is fitting, in Hahnemann’s honour, to briefly focus on one of the key teachings in The Organon, that of striving to achieve the perfect mind/body balance.  Gill Graham.  BSc (Hons), BA (Hons) RSHom, DHMHS writes:

Coincidentally, (or maybe so synchronized) this has been a huge focus for me over the last few weeks, having been inadvertently put in situations that demand that it is addressed, with both patients and friends. It appears to be a state that many are seeking, but for whatever reason are unable to achieve.  As a homeopath and holistic practitioner covering many disciplines, I see it as fundamental to good health and wellbeing. Edward Whitmont in ‘Psyche and Substance’ states: ‘The mind is the epiphenomenon of the body, and the body is the epiphenomenon of the mind.  We operate as body-minds.  The body is the visibility of the soul, and the soul is the life of the body.’ In other words, we cannot separate the two, we are not a collection of parts, and should not be treated as such. One remedy to treat the totality of symptoms is optimum; ideally, the simillimum.

Hahnemann considers that disease is an imbalance in the Vital Force and that homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms.  Symptoms are natures way of indicating that something is ‘off kilter’ and needs to be healed. There are several references to this in the Organon: ‘In the state of health the spirit like vital force (dynamis) animating the material organism reigns in supreme sovereignty. It maintains the sensations and activities of all the parts of the living organism in a harmony that obliges wonderment (Aphorism 9.) When the body is in a state of ‘imbalance’ or flux the entire being is not in in harmony with itself, symptoms that appear are giving vital clues as to where the healing should be focused: ‘The physician has only to eliminate the totality of symptoms in order to remove simultaneously the inner alteration, the pathological untunement of the vital principle, thereby entirely removing and annihilating the disease itself,’ (Aphorism 21) suggesting harmony needs to be restored to the organism to achieve a perfect balance, contributing to radiant mental and physical health.

Hahnemann’s’ language and turn of phrase can at times be confusing and complicated to those who are new to homeopathy, and given that the first editions of The Organon were written in the last half of the 19th century, this is to be expected. Fundamentally he is suggesting that for perfect health the body needs perfect balance. Yesterday, this was brought to my attention in a very simple way.  I was at a yoga class where we were all attempting ‘tree pose’ (Vrksasana.) It has to be said, there are certain poses that I have difficulty in mastering, this is one of them. I started to wobble, desperately trying to concentrate on a key spot, unable stop my mind wandering; the more I thought about it, the wobblier I became. I became distracted by the others who all seemed to be balanced, focused and ‘perfect.’  Eventually the inevitable happened and I fell; the predicted imbalance had become self fulfilling, I imagined I would fall, therefore, I did. In reflection after the class, I realized that to have the perfect equilibrium, it was not just about balancing on one leg with my foot up the other, it was a state of being in total alignment with myself, mind and body. Similarly, imagine a ballet dancer and see her posture as she moves gracefully across a stage.

It is balance that allows her to create beauty in her moves, her mind is calm and focussed.  She requires not only physical strength but alignment and discipline and a strong mental focus and a belief that she will not stumble. Were she not balanced, the performance would be unstable, shaky, volatile and inconstant.  Any state of equilibrium requires total harmony of the mind and body, fluctuations need to be addressed and brought back into line. The objective of giving the simillimum (the homeopathic remedy covering all aspects of a patient) is to achieve what Hahnemann termed ‘the harmony that obliges wonderment.’

In referring back to my tree pose, balance had more to do with my mind than my body.  A chaotic mind makes for an unsteady pose (do not forget, in homeopathy, the mind is top of the hierarchy of symptoms.) On my next attempt, at a subsequent class, having realised the connection, I found that breathing correctly, focussing and visualising myself as someone deeply grounded in her roots, like a tree that can flourish because of this stability allowed me to be centred and calm, and less aware of the perceived perfection of others and more concerned with achieving my own level of composure and equilibrium. This is once more similar to seeing everyone as unique in homeopathy; there is not one remedy that fits all; individualisation is key.

What follows is a poem I recently wrote for one of my friends who has been diagnosed with cancer.  I was in the Dutch Antilles at the time, by the sea when she told me the news. Shocked and sad I was driven to write, the ultimate in therapy for me; and in doing so recognised the ever flowing tides of the sea are characteristic of the ebb and flow of life and of the fluctuating mind body changes we all experience. True health is true equilibrium and as stated here ‘a divine homeostasis,’ the ultimate goal of homeopathic treatment.

Life is a series of waves

The ebb and flow lifting us up knocking us down devastating, cruel

But we are vibrant, alive when we are raised to the sky balanced precariously on the crest of a wave

Joyous, exulted, super human

Then we surf, riding high some day’s others, floating gently with no great flux

This is the calm, the equilibrium

The unforgiving, unpredictable waves sweep us off our feet we lose our balance and crash,

unceremoniously to the ground

floundering in the unfamiliar weaving our way through the tides to breathe to stand, wishing we were the solid rocks standing majestic, but hard, brittle they do not move, boring, static, impenetrable

We are flesh, blood, bone, brain and heart - thinking, loving, hating

We are capable of vibrancy, ecstasy, joy despair and disgust

The ocean inevitably calms and serenity returns

A deeper, more meaningful calm

A divine homoeostasis

Your holy fragile humanity has been nourished the tumultuous waves have been ridden.

Flourish now, as you will.

Balance; what we as homeopaths strive for in our patients; the waves are like the symptoms, warning us of tumultuous times, but ebbing and flowing as we address the totality.  Life is not meant to be an everlasting calm ocean, but by riding the tempestuous waves, and addressing and hopefully correcting the route cause, the depth of our being; our very essence becomes magnificent in its serenity and equilibrium.

As ever, go to:  www.findahomeopath.uk. for advice and to find a homeopath in your area.


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FREE Homeopathy App

4Homeopathy launches their new, free app in time for UK Homeopathy Awareness Week (10-16th April).

A new digital platform to enable the public to find a registered homeopath, get information on homeopathy and find out about commonly used homeopathic medicines.

Head over the the app store and download! Do spread the word to others, friends, patients and family and let them enjoy the benefits of information at their fingertips.



You can find out more about homeopathy at www.findahomeopath.org

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