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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
As well as running The School of Homeopathy and The School of Health, Mani runs a practice from the School of Homeopathy's clinic in Stroud, Gloucestershire. They have a highly experienced team of homeopaths working from the clinic all offering in-person and online consultations.  
View Mani Norland's Profile

Patient Testimonials


Conditions A to Z

A - C  |  D - F  |  G - I  |  J - L  |  M - O  |  P - R  |  S - U  |  V - Z

Condition: Stomach pain
Sammie Fong
How you found homeopathy.
Seeking for alternative medicine
How it benefited you or your family.
My husband had a stomach pain, went to see three allopaths and did not help him with the pain. On the third day, I was about to take him to the ER and before that I try the last resource nux vomica and in 15 minutes, he got up and the pain was gone.
Keywords: Nux Vomica Stomach Pain  

Condition: Depression
How you found homeopathy.
I have received lifechanging benefit from homeopathy for depression, and a very difficult life experience in terms of my early childhood experiences and my recovery from those experiences as an adult. My issues were medicated at one point however I reacted badly to he medication, experiencing complicated and inappropriate reactions time and time again. I became interested in the 90's when I was introduced via a mentor to the benefits of homeopathy for depression.
How it benefited you or your family.
I am a happy person with a full life and a sense of self that was completely destroyed by my family of origin. I am safe, I have faith and I can deal with my suffering without the need for medical assistance.
Keywords: Depression  

Condition: Asthma
How you found homeopathy.
I sought out a homeopath for my then 5 year old son, who suffered from acute flareups of asthma, which, on occasion sent him to the emergency room.

I had become aware of homeopathy through a friend who recommended I see a homeopath for some issues I had been dealing with. I began to read up about homeopathy and realized what a wonderful system of healing it was. I started using homeopathy at home for my family and I am thrilled to have discovered it!
How it benefited you or your family.
Since taking a remedy, my son no longer suffers from his asthma. It has been quite a few months without a flare up, whereas he often had one every month, and I am extremely grateful that he has not had to take any steroids.
Keywords: Asthma  

Condition: Skin condition
How you found homeopathy.
I first used it when my daughter was 3 & suffered from chronic constipation
How it benefited you or your family.
The hospital could only offer steroids for my skin condition, which was huge blisters on my legs which burst & oozed. They hurt or itched the whole time. The homeopathic remedy (bullous pemphigoid) helped the pain and burning straight away so that I could get some sleep. Over time it also stopped the blisters forming completely.

Condition: Skin condition, Iatrogenic disease, Arthritis, Heart palpitations
Duncan Paterson
How you found homeopathy.
I appreciate the principle that homeopathy strengthens the immune system, unlike pharmacologically active agents which generally suppress the condition and is very likely to produce iatrogenic disease
How it benefited you or your family.
I have personal experience of several family members gaining relief from various conditions including poison ivy reaction, arthritis, heart palpitations, hemorrhoids and teething.

Condition: persistent cough
Penelope Vingoe
How you found homeopathy.
through a friend who is training to be a homeopath
How it benefited you or your family.
The cough has persisted all my life - wracking my body. After a consultation, a remedy, and a few days coughing I have never coughed since.
Keywords: Cough  

Condition: Pregnancy, Autism, General health
How you found homeopathy.
For help during labour and for healing post-birth, I tried a labour and birth homeopathy kit and was so impressed with how much it helped during the labour and afterwards that I knew there was something very special and powerful involved in it and loved the idea that it could do no harm but only help which it did enormously! This then prompted me to use it for teething for my child and colds and coughs and common first aid issues.
How it benefited you or your family.
I currently using it to help treat my autistic child. We are using a particular kind of homeopathy called CEASE therapy which stands for Complete Elimination of Autistic Symptoms. It looks at all the factors which might have led to the condition such as vaccinations and drugs and trauma. So far so good! Watch this space!

Condition: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME ), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Katharyn Crowhurst
How you found homeopathy.
I honestly hadn't heard of Homeopathy before, but when I became ill my doctor could only prescribe muscle relaxants and anti-depressants, I didn't want to take these two drugs indefinately, so searched for an alternative.
How it benefited you or your family.
I was told there was no cure for ME/CFS but I am living proof that there is!
Keywords: ME CFS  

Condition: Insomnia, Malaria
Jenni Willis
How you found homeopathy.
I shared a house with a homoeopath
How it benefited you or your family.
I travelled to India using Homoepathy instead of anti-malarial drugs and was much healthier than my companion taking the anti-malarial medication. Neither of us suffered with malaria.
Keywords: Malaria Insomnia  

Condition: Glandular fever, Throat swelling
Margaret Beavis
How you found homeopathy.
My younger daughter needed help when her throat suddenly swelled up and breathing and swallowing became difficult. On another occasion she had Glandular Fever. I became interested when our visits to the Doctor became very frequent and nothing seemed to help long term.
How it benefited you or your family.
We keep a first aid kit of remedies which has seen us through many minor problems