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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
Suse has over 20 years experience working with individuals and families. She practices in Kensal Rise, North-West London. Would you like to find out whether she’s the right homeopath for you? Get in touch!  
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Patient Testimonials


Conditions A to Z

A - C  |  D - F  |  G - I  |  J - L  |  M - O  |  P - R  |  S - U  |  V - Z

Condition: CFS (ME) Chronic fatigue
How you found homeopathy.
I became interested in homeopathy after an old friend who was studying it suggested I try a remedy for my 2 yrs old daughter. It worked absolute miracles for her earache. The speed she recovered was amazing (from having been really unwell, with a high fever and in a lot of pain for 2 days to completely better in 2 hours).

After that we used homeopathy for all our two daughter's illnesses. We never needed another antibiotic again!
How it benefited you or your family.
I had been suffering from CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome aka ME) for over 10 years. It not only made me feel crushingly exhausted and unwell but also made me feel extremely nervous and jumpy. Many days it was all I could do to walk. It had started after a combination of events: travel vaccinations that made me really unwell, a divorce, and the 'flu.

Having seen the magic homeopathy worked for my daughter's ear aches and other ailments, I went to see a homeopath for myself. It didn't help - despite persevering for quite some time. I decided to change homeopath and persevered with them for a year or so but was not improving. However as I knew homeopathy definitely worked for my daughters, I didn't give up and so tried a different homeopath that I had heard good things about, who gave me a remedy none of the previous ones had even considered.

I had quite a reaction to it, with lots of powerful emotions coming up (I hadn't realised I had even suppressed them) and within a week I was completely better. That's what I had always hoped for and was so glad I persevered and didn't give up. Good job I had seen it work so well for other family members!

Condition: Cough
Line Tandberg Braathen
How you found homeopathy.
Almost 20 years ago I went to a homeopath for the first time. My, at the time, boyfriend had had an affair and I got a severe cough. I went to see doctors 3 times, no one could help me. They thought it was wopping cough, but all test came out negative. In the mean time I got worse and worse, and I just KNEW it was because of the infidelity and my own sorrow. After tree weeks of coughing day and nigh, I finally saw a homeopath. I met a woman who was like I had never know before: she had no prejudices to what ever I told. For the first time in my life (I was 26 years) I met someone who really listen to me. She prescribed Nat Mur D200, and I sleep the whole night for the first time in tree weeks. The treatment went on for two weeks, and all the cough was gone and a new life was unfolding for me. It took me another year to tell her the real reason I came, the infidelity, which in it self is a story only to be told by NatMur. :)
How it benefited you or your family.
I would go as far to say that homeopathy has saved my life. Maybe not the physical life, but my soul and spirit. Like so many others I was on the "package" of this western world life, with medical drugs and striving for money and acknowledgment from society. I have been a homeopath-patient for 20 years now, and I see how my life really started to unfold it self after my first dose of homeopathic medicine. It's no coincidence. It's my truth. I thank homeopathy for the chance it gave me to see my self and my own life path. (I'm now educated as both a homeopath and a Waldorf-Steiner teacher.)

Condition: Cystitis
How you found homeopathy.
My sister was studying homeopathy and recommended it to me when I was seeking help for a friend suffering with deprerssion. I then saw the same homeopath for my chronic cystitis.
How it benefited you or your family.
After suffering with chronic cystitis for four years, relentless prescribing of antibiotics, cutting all the 'good and fun stuff' out of my diet, several internal examinations which showed no problems and being told by several doctors and specialists it was just one of those things I would just have to live with... I approached a homeopath. Within three weeks the cystitis had gone. Completely. And has never come back. A wonderful experience to be listened to and treated as a whole person - body and mind, physical and emotional, all connected so treat as a whole. Makes perfect sense.

Condition: elevated thyroid #s due to menopause
Sarah Caldwell
How you found homeopathy.
i was given Ferrum Phos over 24 years ago, for a nagging cough keeping me awake at night, and had instant success! Three children, three books ( I literally wore out 2 books on homeopathy at home... all those late night coughs, and injuries, tummy upsets and ear aches!)
How it benefited you or your family.
I have used it for over 24 years to great benefit for my children and myself. For all the usual symptoms. For the most current situation regarding my thyroid #s the good news is that I have normalized, and am now stable! I believe that my dietary and lifestyle choices have also contributed to my overall health and well being. My Homeopathic Dr tried several constitutionals over a period of about 2 years. The last one was tuberculinum due to the fact that my maternal grandfather had TB (in England). Amazing connection.... anyway, the thyroid goes through adjustments in menopause, and will actually normalize have a time.

Condition: Burning tongue syndrome
How you found homeopathy.
I sadly became very ill and it followed from there. It led me to further explore and study homeopathy myself.
How it benefited you or your family.
When I became ill, I had to take a very long break off work (about three weeks), and ended up with horrendous stomach systems. The oddest and longest lasting was a constant, singed feeling on my tongue, known as burning tongue syndrome. I saw a homeopathic doctor based in Maidstone. I was very keen to treat my symptoms, but also to talk about how I felt in other ways - my work and recent move had left me very isolated and stressed out. After a few visits, I found my symptoms getting gradually better and my outlook on life becoming, slowly but surely, more positive. I'm glad to report that my symptoms have more or less gone today - certainly it's so much better than it was, and I can enjoy life a bit more! I thought I'd share how homeopathy has helped me, as though it was not instant - seeing a homeopath was the best thing I did for my wellbeing in years.

Condition: Hot flushes left over from Menopause
Sue Garnett
How you found homeopathy.
I went into early menopause 18 years ago and eventually got through it with the help of various herbal remedies but continued to experience hot flushes. When my job changed following a restructure it became part of my duties to take minutes at meetings but the frequency & intensity of my flushes made this impossible for me to do. My employer asked me to seek the help of my GP for the condition but the results of the medication were disastrous. I tried two different prescription drugs each of which left me with severe side-effects and I ended up worse than when I started the prescriptions.
How it benefited you or your family.
I have always valued "alternative" remedies & treatments so I sought help from a homeopath. I am so glad I did! Following my consultation I embarked on her remedy, to reduce the anxiety which worsened the flushes. Within 2 weeks my condition improved to such a degree that I was taking minutes with no problems as my flushes had diminished in frequency & intensity. I was still suffering side effects from the prescription drugs and so was given a homeopathic detox for the pills I had been given by my GP. Another success story and I now feel that I am getting my life back! Brilliant!

Condition: Severe tonsillitis
Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND
How you found homeopathy.
I was introduced to homeopathy in my third year of naturopathic college. actually attending naturopathic college. I had no previous experience with homeopathy and could not get my head around the way in which homeopathic remedies were prepared. I was afraid that I had just wasted three years of pre-med and two years of naturopathic college education just to be turned into a quack. I seriously considered quitting. It was kind of devastating. This was in 1989 and there were only 13 students in my years. Dolisos at the time gave each of us a free homoepathic first aid kit with about 30 remedies.
How it benefited you or your family.
Shortly after this I woke one night with a severely inflamed left tonsil. It was the size of a golf ball, I could barely swallow and was in a lot of pain. This came out of nowhere and I was at a loss of what to do. Then I remembered our homeopathy teacher going over remedies for sore throats the previous week. He had told us about a special remedy which was good for left-sided tonsillitis. It did not help my faith in homeopathy to learn that it was made from snake venom! I checked the homeopathy kit and it was there, I took two pellets and in ten minutes felt 80% better. I became a homeopath!
Keywords: Tonsillitis Lachesis  

Condition: Difficult Labour
Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND
How you found homeopathy.
I was introduced to homeopathy in naturopathic college. I almost quit school because I thought homeopathy was hogwash, but after a powerful personal experience with a homeopathic remedy, described here previously, I actually became a professional naturopath and mostly homeopath and have been in practice for 23 years now. I have had many dramatic, personal experiences with the power of homeopathy during this time and of course have seen the same with hundreds if not thousands of patients over the years.
How it benefited you or your family.
I was giving birth to my first child at home in 1998. At the time I ran a clinic out of the first floor of my house and lived on the second. Things were not going well. I was in severe pain, the contractions were almost constant but I was not dilating properly. I could barely move, hated to be touched or spoken to, yet did not want to be left alone. After some hours of this agony, one of my colleagues came upstairs to visit, took one look at me and gave me a remedy. Within about two minutes everything changed! I suddenly felt strong, the terrible pain subsided, I dilated and gave birth easily!

Condition: anxiety
pauline howell-young
How you found homeopathy.
desperate for an alternative
How it benefited you or your family.
getting me weaned off ativan almost overnight
Keywords: Anxiety Lycopodium  

Condition: Frankie the Dog had a T-cell Lymphoma
How you found homeopathy.
Frankie, a 4 year old cross Manchester Terrier/ Jack Russell, developed a lump under her left jaw in 2007; the biopsy revealed a T-cell Lymphoma and the Vet gave her 5 months to live. As a family, we decided to take Frankie to a Homeopathic Vet - the famous Tim Couzens in East Hoathly, near Lewes. Frankie responded so well to the treatment, that the regular conventional Vet said to us: " I don't understand what you are doing, but whatever it is, just carry on". Then, he asked us for the details of the Homeopathic Vet.
How it benefited you or your family.
Frankie's health improved so much, after taking the homeopathic remedies; the lump almost disappeared, and she lived for another 4 years, full of zest for life, funny and mischievous as always. Sadly she died when she was hit by a car, crossing a main road, and we still miss her. Frankie attended the Homeopathy Lobby of Parliament in February 2010. You can see a photo of her and the placard that she carried over her back - just google frankie homeopathy.

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