“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ” Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ” Jane Glover
Working with people to enhance their sense of well being and balance is an absolute privilege. View Jo Ketteman's Profile
Watch the story unfold
Susan - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Homeopathy worked for me - 3m 02s
The Snooks : Why try homeopathy? - 0m 49s
The Snooks : What happens when you visit a homeopath? - 0m 45s
Repeated ear infections as an adult (continuing from childhood). Homeopathy was the ONLY treatment that finally cleared up my ear infections for good. I did a homeopathic first aid class as research for my midwifery dissertation "Homeopathy for Pregnancy
and Childbirth".
How it benefited you or your family.
Homeopathy has benefited me and my family, including my autistic son, enormously. I would need a book to describe all the amazing ways it has helped us. It is our first port of call for almost any condition. I used it during pregnancy, during labour, after
my son's vaccinations, for all his childhood fevers and infections. I have used it for everything from minor burns and stings, the emotional upset of bereavement, to the menopause.
Originally I went about 9 years ago whilst pregnant. I had morning sickness and was suffering from pain due to braces on my teeth. Morning sickness was sorted in the first week of treatment.. other issues slowly unfolded as a journey of physical and emotional
healing began, my mum suggested I go see a homeopath.
How it benefited you or your family.
Brief description, difficult since the benefits have been so many!
It has helped with:
Morning sickness
Birth trauma (mine) after birth of first child
Poor sleep for first child
Cyst on son's eye at 3 years old
Fever/illness - both kids-numerous occassions
Emotional issues - whole family
Relationship issues - whole family
Depression and anxiety (my own)
Irritable bowel syndrome
Daughter - itchy rash
Insomnia - mine
Earache & Teething - both kids
Post - vaccination effects - daughter
Other skin issues - boils, strange rashes etc..
Tooth extraction and other dentist work
Healing after operations
My stepmother trained to work in Steiner schools introduced us to homoepathy 40 years ago
How it benefited you or your family.
Took Silicea for a month and it cleared up my long standing eczema.
Son had swine flu, used gelsemium, also had nephritis with it, used aresenicum, also had head pain, high temperature used belladonna. All three got him well again from being completely immobilised in bed to back to work, in ten days.
Husband sprains shoulder badly, uses arnica and ruta grav. Back to work in two days, was expecting to be immobile for a couple of weeks, shoulder was almost paralysed with pain, unable to lift his arm at all.
Condition: Septic fever in my 3 year old son due to tooth abcess Andrea Wakelin
How you found homeopathy.
I have used homeopathy a lot over the years and choose to use it for my family
How it benefited you or your family.
In the case above - after a couple of doses of the remedy he started to respond and his fever changed to a very productive one. We were ready to take him to A&E but didn't need to in the end!
Condition: As I am a homeopath I would go if for some reason I needed a constitutional prescription. Kate Stockford
How you found homeopathy.
I was a first time mum and wanted to have more self reliance in terms of treating my child naturally. A family friend was on call. My little one got a high fever, was very weepy and clingy and my friend said to give her Pulsatilla. Her temperature started
dropping immediately. I was hooked! :) I retrained and became a homeopath.
How it benefited you or your family.
I rarely get sick and if I do, my remedies nip it in the bud. I have treated many people constitutionally acutely and constitutionally, it changed their lives overnight. I had one client/friend who was afraid of people, crowds, talking to people she didn't
know and after a one off dose of the remedy she has been a new woman and hasn't looked back. I have so many more stories.
My daughter jasmine suffered since 2000 . Dr treated her with antiboitic for three year. At the end dr said he can not do any thing more. Then i studied homeopathy and treat her with kali muri 6x, ferrum phos 12x, calcarea florica 6x. With in 2 months
she was fine .