Homeopathy helps animals - five people share their animal health stories
The campaign launch stars were Claudine and her rough collie, Jackson and the posts have already reached over 26,000 views via social media channels.
Coming from a variety of backgrounds, included among the people interviewed is a gun dog trainer who regularly exhibits at Crufts and a racehorse yard owner. All had many experiences of homeopathy working in their lives and shared many more stories than were used in the campaign.
What comes across is how down to earth and practical all of them are, sharing their experiences of having tried conventional treatment for their animals but, having no success, how they turned to homeopathy as a last resort. All were all incredibly grateful to have found something that helped their animals.
4H is a collaboration between 10 of the UK’s major homeopathy organisations. It promotes and raises awareness of the benefits homeopathy can offeras a useful treatment method to help keep our animals healthy and well.
Following positive responses to the campaign, the 4H group are looking forward to sharing the rest of the videos and images with the world!
For more about the work of 4H: www.findahomeopath.org
Find a homeopathic vet: www.bahvs.com/find-a-vet-2/
Homeopathy, particularly for animals, has been in the firing line over the past year so any support you can give to the CAM4Animals team would be greatly appreciated – do check out their valuable work here: www.cam4animals.co.uk
You can see the first image here on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2RzzZa0or on Instagram: www.instagram.com/p/BprP0IvFNH3/.To view the first YouTube video, go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8saisPel4U.
More coming soon – watch this space!