Seasonal Allergies

April brings the start of spring, lighter evenings, blossoming flowers, and the promise of warmer days to come. With lockdown easing, it means we can get out and about more too. However, for some people, April marks the onset of the allergy season, a source of distress and discomfort that can persist for months.
Allergy symptoms can include sneezing and coughing, itchy, sore and streaming eyes, a blocked or runny nose, itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears, fatigue, headache. According to the NHS, one in four people will suffer from an allergy at some stage in their life. Allergies are rated as the number one chronic health issue across Europe. However, some approaches may only offer temporary relief, or suppress the body’s natural immune response, and don’t address the root cause of the problem. In contrast, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own defence system to cope with the exposure to the allergens, rather than just suppressing the symptoms. Homeopathy is a natural, safe and gentle system of medicine that has been around for over 200 years. The appropriate homeopathic medicine is selected according to each individual’s unique symptoms, and a well-matched choice could provide long-lasting relief for allergy sufferers. Now that really is a reason to celebrate the arrival of spring.
Some common homeopathic medicines used for seasonal allergies are:
Allium Cepa
Made from the onion with its well-known tear-inducing qualities, Allium Cepa may be useful for treating hay fever where the eyes are itchy, streaming and sensitive to light. There will be bouts of sneezing and a burning, watery discharge from the nose. Consider this homeopathic medicine when symptoms are worse in the evening and better in cold rooms and fresh air.
Nux vom
This homeopathic medicine can be helpful for those with intense sneezing, a hot face and irritated, watery eyes and nose. Try this when the sufferer is bad tempered, impatient and sensitive to the cold, and when symptoms are worse in dry air.
Arsenicum Album
A burning sensation in the nose, eyes or throat is a key indicator for choosing this homeopathic medicine. Discharges from the eyes and the nose will also burn and irritate the skin. The sufferer is likely to feel anxious, restless and thirsty for frequent but small amounts of water.
These are just three of hundreds of possible homeopathic medicines that can help relieve allergy symptoms. For individualised treatment, and to achieve best results, it is much better to consult a registered homeopath.