Magic Pills Premieres in London at Society of Homeopaths Conference
If you are part of the homeopathic community, either as a homeopath or as a patient, you may be aware that the cutting-edge film, Magic Pills, produced and directed by Ananda More, had its debut performance in London, last Friday evening. Social Media has been flooded with coverage of the event, which was a high-quality, trailblazing start to The Society of Homeopaths conference and AGM; and did, in my opinion, set the tone for an excellent weekend all round, of high quality presentations and a wonderful eclectic gathering of the world wide homeopathic community.

The event took place in an auditorium at the School of Pharmacy and was attended by over 160 guests. It was clear that many people had made a real effort to attend; it attracted world-wide attention, also, beautifully merging homeopaths from various registering bodies in the UK.Mark Taylor, the Society of Homeopath’s Chief Executive, introduced the event, thanking Ananda for coming and Marcus Christo for helping to facilitate. Having seen the movie many times, I was not prepared for how I would feel seeing it on ‘the big screen.’ In short, I was moved by the atmosphere and impressed by the quality and professionalism of the production, certainly on a par with major film productions anywhere in the world. The content of film has been discussed and reviewed before so if you would like more details and an analysis of the film read the full review here.

A question and answer session with Dr Alison Fixsen, the Society’s Research Consultant and Ananda followed, which raised interesting points and stimulating discussion. Ananda went on to discuss how to host a screening, and generously donated 20% of the profits for all screenings booked over the Conference weekend, to be given to the Judicial Review Crowd Justice fund. Cristal Sumner, Chief Executive of the British Homeopathic Association is running this campaign. The Judicial Review began on Tuesday 1st May and if you’d like to donate to this you can here: Please contribute if you can. We are hoping for a favourable outcome. The news so far (May 2nd, 2018) from the UK High Court is that there was 'ample evidence that homeopathy worked but the consultation had been "completely one-sided.’ (Richard Clayton QC)
How to host a screening of Magic Pills
Information on how to host a screening can be found here: The process is really accessible; you can host a screening in your living room (she just asks for a minimum of 10 people), or hire a village hall, community area or cinema, whatever is easiest for you.
Funding and donations urgently required for the following projects.
Other issues of major importance were discussed,given that many homeopaths were in attendance, and could help to bring awareness, as these worldwide issues affect us all, our credibility and our livelihoods; also, our ability to create a heathier world, so please don’t feel overwhelmed by the pleas for support, just do what you can and share where you can. It is seriously for the greater good.
The Australian Report is crucial, and they desperately need our support, so please sign the petition and circulate! It is vital to us all, as homeopaths and serious health professionals.
Funding and support is also needed for Camilla and Jeremy Sherr’s Homeopathy for Health in Africa Project. They are raising money to buy a CD4- and Viral Load machines to be able to do better data-collection for their AIDS-results:
In short, Magic Pills, with its dynamic, compelling, honest and engaging content, paved the way for an inspirational and uplifting weekend. The positive themes set out in the film are those of unity, integration and respect; it inspires balance, fairness and justice, overwhelmingly counteracting, in my opinion the predictable negativity and ignorance of the sceptics. The film opens a dialogue and juxtaposes the criticisms of the sceptic community with large scale, real world use and success of homeopathy and presents some of the genuine scientific data.
Ultimately, it exposes a system of medicine which must be taken seriously, given the evidence presented and which is, absolutely, at times, ‘magic’ in its healing potential.
Gill Graham
For more details on the film, go to: